What We Aim
Anticipated Objectives
Target groups
Anticipated Objectives
Objective 1: Increasing the operational capacity for sustainable EHH sites and site managers
- strengthen professionals’ awareness of addressing EU Climate Goals, Green Deal, Fit for 55 and New European Bauhaus, based on application of traditional skills in refurbishment and maintenance of built CH, organise EU level events to highlight the importance of Climate Protection
- build-up an EHH version of EHA/PRO-Heritage course modules to enhance the energy efficiency competences and skills of professionals in privately-owned CH as well as to enhance cooperation between sites and stakeholders, launch EU level DISS/EXPL activities and foster education&professionalisation within the network and sites, as well as internationalisation of EHA through international contacts
- Collect best practice examples of refurbished/renovated Historic Buildings with increased energy efficiency cooperate with Cultural Heritage (CH) and educational networks, other consortia and all levels of educational institutions to explore complementary goals, initiate lobbying & guardship
Objective 2: Increasing the operational capacity for EHH training courses
- focus on capacity building by developing and adapting a series of workshops/training modules/webinars, which draw from previous EU projects and extend training of energy efficiency, create adapted version of certified training “Energy Efficiency Expert/ECH”
- organise workshops for EHH sites’ staff eliciting relevant data and starting common development for adapted version of ECH
- elicit and meet needs of EHH sites & CH in climate change, energy consumption and sustainable development
- develop DISS/EXPL strategy, run campaign for higher visibility and recognisability of EHA/EHH as contributors to Climate Goals, create templates and ready-to-use means available for download, organise Best Practice example events as role models for other sites to learn from
- Increase awareness for EHA/EHH network + sites as sustainable built CH by designing a dedicated DISS/COMM plan for the project to support their contribution to Climate Goals.
- Identify and select professionals resp. staff of EHH sites as “Guards for Climate Protection” acting towards EHH sites, their staff and owners as well as other target groups as promotors of climate relevant activities
- Organise award ceremony and pronounce (prominent) Climate Protection Guards
- Establish a long-term board of such Guards by handing over award certificates and organise regular (online) meetings
- D1.1 Project Management Plan incl. Quality Assurance and Control Plan
- D1.2 Risk Management and Contingency Plan
- D2.1 ECH training materials for EHH
- D3.1 ECH training course documentation
- D4.1 Certification and validation process for ECH/EHH
- D4.2 Adapted EHA Online Portal
- D4.3 Certification report for “Energy Expert for CH/EHH” and “Trainer for CH”
- D5.1 THA training course documentation
- D6.1 Report “EHH Climate Protection Guards”
- D7.1 Dissemination & communication plan and material (M1-M12)
- D7.2 Dissemination & communication plan and material (M13-M24)
- D7.3 Annual dissemination & communication activities report (M1-M12)
- D7.4 Annual dissemination & communication activities report (M13-M24)
- D7.5 Data Management Plan
1. Environment
Environmental issues are extremely important in CliP-ComE as this is the main content of the PRO-Heritage training. EHH is participating in the Commission’s European CH expert group and also part of the Climate Heritage Network, having introduced the campaign, which aims at catalysing a step change towards a more sustainable development and resilient adaptation to climate change, putting people and nature first. CliP-ComE sets out to make EHH sites aware of and fit for the necessity of contributing to the environmental challenges the world is facing. For this purpose for communication e-mail, tele-conferences and online meetings with third parties/associated partners are preferred. In general the number of f2f meeting will be kept as small as possible. In general project (and network) meetings are supposed to become “Green Meetings” according to ISO 20121. Furthermore CliP-ComE will develop a concept and recommendations for “contribution of EHH sites to green deal, climate protection, energy efficiency and similar” in order to support sites in saving energy, waste and reduce their CO2 output. IPV will function as role model as they managed to reduce the final energy consumption to 80 kWh per m² and year. These issues are addressed in WP2 and will provide EHH sites with hands-on practical ideas, recommendations and proposals. This concept is supported by a think tank “Climate Protection in EHH sites”, which shall deliver ideas and possible solutions to common problems occurring in/for sites. The Energy Expert training developed and implemented in PRO-Heritage will be adapted for EHH sites and delivered by EHA, while a specific board of Guards for CH Climate Protection will be implemented and shall support sites longterm in their attempts to become Best Practice examples and Role Models for Climate Protection. Built CH as such contributes to tackling environmental challenges as it contains “embodied energy”, which is the sum of all energy required to build any historic site, considering as if that energy was incorporated or ’embodied’ in the building itself. By maintaining and appropriately refurbishing historic stock, this embodied energy stays where it is, while building new houses would cost twice as much in energy terms considering demolition & new construction. Additionally, materials used for historic sites are per se environmentally friendly as there were mainly such materials available at time of creation e.g. lime, wood, stone, sand and loam. These facts actually allow a feedback into circular economy as promoted today; and buildings are even smart. In the training for “Maintenance Manager for CH (Asset)” (MODI-FY/MHA and THA) several aspects, like planning of intervention, conservation principles and process, were addressed and in the “Virtual Building Damage Identification Expert for CH” (VI-TRAIN/VBE) operators/owners/responsible bodies potentially save on travel and scaffolding costs, which is kind on resources and environment as well, when using the digital version instead. In INCREAS the “Digital Expert for CH” (INCREAS/DCH) aims to train professionals in CH in digitisation of processes, use of application and digital tools & means, so they are able to save energy and being kind(er) on the environment by reducing their carbon footprint in daily work. CliP-ComE will integrate all relevant topics from previous projects – mainly PRO-Heritage – but also elements relevant for the network partner to deliver a product, which totally meets the needs of EHH sites and helps to solve climate relevant problems. By training EHH members and their staff, they become much more aware of the absolute necessity of taking into account all consequences of their work done in/on historic buildings. Beside learning – or rather re-learning and remembering – that historic buildings by themselves can contribute to reduce climate impact, as in case of lime, which is soaking back-in most of the CO2 produced in processing quicklime during its lifetime, professionals are made conscious of many other options they can draw upon, when dealing with their sites in order to reduce CO2 and save energy.
2. Gender balance, inclusion, diversity and representativeness
EHH sites represent a series of European key values and are constantly pointing these out to visitors and the public. Now, diversity is one of these key values of the CREA programme and others are closely linked with gender equality, inclusion, representativeness and diversity as well. In various WPs practical solutions are developed and formulated into a Gender Equality Plan, communicated to EHH community and implemented in partner organisations at least, creating Best Practice examples for all others to be able to develop&implement their own Gender Equality Plan. In terms of gender balance especially public entities like BHOe and other (public) owners of sites are a guarantee for equal pay (Austrian government scheme) and equal chances. In the Cultural sector women are represented in a quite strong way and chances are also good for a female vertical career. Integration of gender-specific aspects
– The involved stakeholder groups should always be gender-balanced.
– The composition of board of Guards resp. think tank should also be gender-balanced.
– In our design process, we will use the interdisciplinary approach to avoid being trapped in the “I”-methodology where technologists project themselves as future users into the system they are designing.
– A significant part of the ethical evaluation also comprises the assessment of gender and diversity aspects in our project. In addition, the discussions and findings of the Austrian networks in “Sheconomy” (sheconomy.media) in particular the network activities in law, IT and AI, as well as the FEMtech (femtech.at) activities will be considered.
– Composition of project team with regard to gender balance (gender mainstreaming)
All partners are supporting gender balance by motivating and involving female staff. BHOe will mainly involve female experts beside the head of organisation, called Burghauptmann (a position that so far was always held by a male since the 16th century). In general, the female share in CH is better than in the mechanical and technical engineering. Of course all partners are supporting gender balance by motivating and involving female staff. According to the EU Commissions Gendered Innovation projects need to address main categories
1. SEX
3. INTERSECTIONAL FACTORS, such as racial or ethnic origin, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or disability.
The Gendered Information document also states, that taking into account sex, gender and intersecting factors in the design and delivery of EU projects leads to:
- added value of research in terms of excellence, creativity and business opportunities
- an in-depth understanding of all people’s needs, behaviours and attitudes
- goods and services better suited to the needs of all people
- enhanced societal relevance of research and innovation
Given all these effects, CliP-ComE will do its utmost to integrate the Gender Innovation criteria into all project activities, the planning of activities for the training elements, looking at male/female/other perspectives, address the needs of people of different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, disability (WP1) etc. Consequently, the consortium will aim that • the involved stakeholder groups should always be gender balanced.
- a significant part of the ethical evaluation also comprises assessment of gender and diversity aspects in our project.
- including (learner) preferences in planning all steps of the products e.g. training modules, also the potential gender-specific preferences should be observed in the design. In our design process, we will use the interdisciplinary approach to avoid being trapped in the “I”-methodology.
- additionally to these facts CliP-ComE will launch a charter for gender balance, inclusion and diversity to be developed for EHA, while also designing a generic version for future training bodies of CliP-ComE outcomes. The charter will become part of the TTT training modules.
- in the future all activities, events, offers and cooperations will follow this Charter and implement the ground rules in all activities organised by including user preferences in planning all steps of the activities.
- this also applies to offers developed and conceptualised in the future, which will always take into account gender equality/balance, inclusion, diversity – including diversity of audiences.
- thus CliP-ComE achieves representativeness (Symbolcharakter) in regards to values of gender balance, inclusion, diversity and display those to audiences/visitors, participants, staff and stakeholders.
- the composition of project teams with regard to gender balance (gender mainstreaming) as far as possible
Target groups
First Level Target Groups A
- all EHH sites being members of the EHH network, having paid their membership fees and being active in its activities.
- all other privately-owned sites in need of the skills & competences deliverd by CliP-ComE not being a member of EHH
- staff of EHH sites as recipients of educational offers of the CliP-ComE project
First Level Target Groups B
- suppliers and craftspeople working in/for privately-owned heritage and in need of relevant skills & competences
- next generation/heirs in CH, all local, regional and national stakeholders and policy makers
- direct addressees for training courses and information, potential group of course participants and users of digital training offers e.g. Staff of EHH sites, maintenance/site managers, professionals in EHH, Users/tenants of sites administered by CHOORs (museums, galleries, carers for fauna & flora e.g. parks and gardens), EHH operators/private and public owners/responsible bodies (CHOORs) need to be motivated in attending the workshops and courses offered and/or becoming certified. Quite a large number of target group member are already in the data base of partners as they cooperate for years. They will be informed about the project itself as well as the programme and the projects achievements over time, plus the relevant outcomes in form of courses and (digital) trainings.
Second Level Target Groups
- stakeholders like other relevant European & international networks e.g. Alliance 3.3, INTO, AEGPC, FRH
- National Trust organisations and their representative INTO, Stakeholders of the CH sector, members of internat. Networks for CH e.g. EU Heritage Alliance 3.3, ICLEI, AEGPC, OWHC, Cultural Routes are major multipliers for project DISS/COMM and contacts will be utilised for pushing the message about project and emerging specialised training offer. Members receive newsletter info on project outcomes, learn about EHH sites and the values represented. They greatly benefit from professionally organised workshops and events strengthening the CH sector and learning more about EHH sites as Cultural Assets of their country and Europe as a whole.
Third Level Target Groups – audiences & main addressees for EHH promotion activities, like visitors, audiences and potential beneficiaries of the anticipated product/training produced by the project.
- audiences 1 – owners & visitors, including youth, families with children (between 5-15), schools and elderly
- audiences 2 – local & regional citizens, other professionals in CH, their networks
- audiences 3 – means municipalities, national®ional government, EC and parliament (stakeholders)
All audiences will be a target for dissemination/DISS and promotion activities of CliP-ComE. Audience 1 has direct access to the consequences of lived Climate Protection measures applied by EHH sites and their staff. Keeping them informed about the project’s achievements shall help the standing of EHH sites & network as a strong contributor to the European Climate Goals /Green Deal. This can happen through project flyers, attached to hand-outs or tickets, information provided in guided tours and personal contacts. Audience 2 needs attention by all EHH sites as these are mostly situated locally, near to the sites themselves. The project is going to support the build-up of good relations, by inviting citizens to demonstration events and/or Open Days. In case of other networks the means to reach members of audience 2 are mainly eMails and online newsletter; only in case of personal contact phone calls or meeting in person are more appropriate, in order to establish good personal relations. In a second phase e-mails, newsletters and social media can be used to keep the audiences informed. Such contacts with audience 2 will foster the economic potential of EHH sites and generate attention for the climate protection engagement of sites. Audience 3 on the other hand shall be kept informed as they help shaping the “environment” in which the EHH sites operate. They can support the sites by developing a supportive framework and helping them to grow in prominence and visibility e.g. promoting the board of Guards for Climate Protection. They are also addressees of lobbying activities at EU level at minimum. For reaching audience 3 the best way seems also phone and personal contact in the beginning and later on e-mails, newsletters and social media seem useful to keep the audiences informed.
- audience 1 are the direct addressees of EHH promotion activities, which shall foster belonging to European society and create curiosity in sites, their values and offers. These citizens as (future) visitors and tourists will be informed through promotion activities in general e.g. articles in newspapers, interviews in radio/tv/online media, social media, podcasts and events like Heritage Day, Open Doors events. Specific events and measures shall engage youth in EHH e.g. next generation/ heirs Professional training offer. Audience 2 contains local citizens as well as potential business acquaintances of EHH sites, which receive information of relevant project results like regional workshops as part of the sustainability plan. Audience 3 being Local, regional, national governments and related stakeholders are expected to support the EHH sites by including CH in regional environment development concepts and realisation. Again partners are already in touch with a high number of representatives and will utilise existing contacts for promoting the CliP-ComE outcomes and new trainings/products. They will be informed about the project as such and the Creative Europe Culture programme as funder of the project benefitting in general from highly developed EHH sites. Eventually the project outcomes will benefit groups like promoters, stakeholders and policy makers of EU regions, member states and the European Union.